Behaviour and Performance of Bamboo as a Reinforcement for Concrete Beams

Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 4 | 2020
Pages: 9-20
Abstract text:
A growing attention to climate change has led to search for alternative and sustainable materials in construction. One promising material is bamboo because of its desirable mechanical properties. A research was conducted to assess the suitability of the bamboo as reinforcement material in concrete beams. Laboratory experiments were conducted on bamboo reinforced beams and using steel reinforced beams as control. Silt test, compaction factor test and slump test were carried out to ensure the suitability of concrete constituents used in the experiment. Flexural test was carried out on the beam to measure the flexural resistance of the beam reinforced with bamboo strips. Findings showed bamboo reinforced beams having 20-28% of the flexural strength of steel reinforced beams. Sizes of bamboo strips should be varied in order to get a more favourable flexural strength.
Key Words:
aggregates; bending reinforcement; water-cement ratio

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