Sustainable Use of Red Mud Slurry Waste as Mixture for Improving the Mechanical Properties of Wood Products
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 3 | 2020
Pages: 77-90
Abstract text:
The bauxite residue, also referred as the red mud slurry is a waste generated from the Bayer manufacturing process. The disposal of red mud slurry can be made in liquid or solid phase. In both cases the waste disposals may leads to a severe environmental threat due to its microscopic particle size and high alkaline value. The recycling and reintegration of red mud slurry is currently a subject of interest for various research teams. This paper presents an efficient application for red mud slurry, i.e., recycling the waste as a mixture for improving the mechanical properties of wood products. For this purpose, 15 wood specimens were prepared, treated with different mixtures of red mud slurry and tested in tension. The results were discussed and the particular gain in tensile strength were emphasized.
Key Words:
red mud slurry; tensile strength of wood specimens; sustainability; recycle; waste reintegration
Author(s) Information
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