Dynamic and Environmental Assessment of Self-Compacting Concrete
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 3 | 2020
Pages: 27-40
Abstract text:
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) has started to gain considerable interest in Europe due to its flowing characteristics under its own weight, which have an impact on speed, quality and cost of constructions (EFNARC, 2005). Determining the dynamic mechanical parameters such as elastic modulus and damping ratio is of great importance for both scientific material research and for the in-place assessment of buildings (IAEA, 2002). Having a new material in use, its behavior in measurement techniques established for other, similar, materials should be studied (RILEM, 2001). In this respect, we focused on evaluating the dynamic properties of SCC using the forced resonance technique and the impact method. The elastic modulus and the damping coefficient were calculated based on these measurements. Since the use of new materials has to be considered from an ecological point of view, simulations on the impact of this material on the environment have been made.
Key Words:
self-compacting concrete; forced vibrations method; impact echo method; dynamic modulus of elasticity; material damping ratio.
Author(s) Information
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