New Trends in Earthquake Engineering: Seismic Resilience Estimation
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 3 | 2016
Pages: 63-74
Abstract text:
With the continuous growth of the number of people all over the world, as well as of the number of buildings, the possible losses which result following a disastrous event have also increased. For diminishing these losses, specific measures must be taken before and after the disruptive event, with the purpose of increasing communities’ resilience. The most devastating event is considered to be the earthquake, not only because of the vibratory motion, but also because of the secondary hazards which may occur afterwards. This paper presents the means used nowadays for estimating the seismic resilience in an urban area. Firstly, a state-of-the-art of the seismic resilience concept is presented, followed by several methods used to assess and compute seismic resilience, e.g. PEOPLES Resilience Framework, REDi Rating System. Assigning a value or a level for a community’s or structure’s seismic resilience is of major importance, providing later on the possibility of monitoring the resilience’s evolution in time and designing effective post-seismic management plans.
Key Words:
seismic resilience; urban area; disruptive event; losses.
Author(s) Information
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