Parameter Estimation and FE Model Updating of a Full Scale Bridge Assited by PARIS Software
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 2 | 2016
Pages: 105-120
Abstract text:
This paper aims to present the benefits of an automated finite element model updating software, entitled PARIS PARameter Identification System in the field of Structural Health Monitoring SHM using nondestructive test NDT. The PARIS software shows promising applications for parameter estimation methods based on finite element FE models for bridge structures, by using static and modal measurements, as input data, for the estimation of stiffness and mass parameters at the element level of the bridge. The resulting updated model can be useful in the process of further validation of a simulated damage test data. Two validation examples using simulated nondestructive test data for updating a full-scale bridge model situated in Iaşi municipality under a typical damage scenario for bridges is presented in this paper. The results of the model updating process are then presented in order to validate the feasibility of using static nondestructive test data for the successful stiffness parameter estimation for the selected damaged elements of the bridge model. The modal response of the updated models is further compared to the initial undamaged model, in order to depict the influence of the simulated damage scenarios on the dynamic characteristics of the bridge structure.
Key Words:
finite element model updating; parameter estimation; structural health monitoring.
Author(s) Information
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