Modelling Patterns for Fabric Reinforced Composites
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 1 | 2016
Pages: 95-104
Abstract text:
Textiles are considered to be among the most effective reinforcements for composite materials, most of them in the form of fabrics. However, fabric reinforced composite materials have a complex internal architecture and their analysis is not so straightforward. Therefore it is recommended to implement a standard modelling hierarchy based on integrated concept of textile modelling, organized in three scales: fibre’s micro mechanical modelling, unit cell’s meso-mechanical modelling and fabric’s macro mechanical modelling. The paper presents the principles of modelling fabric reinforced composites and various patterns for the unit cell, which is the basic step for mechanical performance evaluation and optimization of the mechanical properties for these materials.
Key Words:
textile reinforced composite; fabric reinforced composite; textile modelling; unit cell (UC)
Author(s) Information
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