The Importance and Actuality of Real Estate Expertise in Romania
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 3 | 2014
Pages: 121-128
Abstract text:
The progress of modern science requires the evolution of research and investigation methods as well as of the clarification methods of technical expertise issues. In all European legislation, expertise is recognized as evidence. In Romania, the expertise has become evidence that contributes to establish the truth and, therefore of the decisions taken in the expertise and judiciary activities. We can even say that we ca not admit the conceiving of a judiciary file without expertise. However, to be given as evidence in court, the report of technical expertise should have a high quality level, to be able to contribute to the proper settlement of the case targeted by expertise. Our approach has as purpose the analysis of the judiciary and extra judiciary technical estate expertise, through the main normative act into force – Government Ordinance no.2/2000 with further amendments in the Law 37/2009, Law no.178/2009, Law no.208/2010 and Government Ordinance no.13/2010 for the modification and completion of some normative acts in the field of justice in order to transpose the Directive 2006/123/ of the European Parliament and of the Council from December 2006 regarding the services within the internal market.
Key Words:
technical expertise; judiciary; extrajudiciary; rapport.
Author(s) Information
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