Decreasing Seismic Effects of Structures Using Base Isolation Systems
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 2 | 2014
Pages: 73-82
Abstract text:
This paper presents many different energy dissipating dispositives that had been proposed to assist in mitigation the harmful effects of earthquakes on structures. The general details of the isolation systems were described, and a particular situation of an isolation system formed by elastomeric supports in the case study. Romania is a country with a strong seismicity, mainly in Vrancea zone, and the Earthquakes affect a large part of the state. To prevent any further structural damages, calamities a new method of seismic prevention was developed, called base isolation systems. A series of tests performed tacking into account various dynamic data, to obtain the mechanical characteristics and frequencies of the damper. Based on the component tests, the theoretical model (mathematical one) realized at a smaller scale, and the behavior of the damper was obtained. General earthquake simulations were performed on a 6 stories reinforced concrete structure. The addition of supplemental dampers will reduce the structural response in terms of period of vibration and displacements. The analytical response concludes that the obtained values are smaller, therefore this methods is a very good seismic isolation solution for structures situated in seismic zones. This method of seismic protection is a new developing method in Romania.
Key Words:
elastomers; seismic isolation; base isolation.
Author(s) Information
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