The Experimental Testing and Numerical Model Calibration of a Steel Structure
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 2 | 2014
Pages: 9-18
Abstract text:
The tests were carried out on the 3 DOFs shaking table from the Earthquake Research Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services of Iaşi, Romania. The specimen is a 3 storey steel frame model with additional masses The first testing phase consisted of the low level sweep sine tests (OX & OY directions) and the analytical model benchmarking was done after using several widely used computer software. The next phase was of earthquake type excitation at several degrees of intensity (real and synthetic time-histories); the model calibration was achieved after applying system identification techniques. The verification and validation of modeling assumptions of the finite element models for structural analysis was carried on by the means of dedicated software FEM tools. The conclusions are focused on the accuracy of the models and the dynamic model matrices.
Key Words:
steel frame; shaking table tests; scaled model; finite element analysis, model validation.
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