Eight Year Period Analysis for Outdoor Pollutant Concentration Levels in Bucharest
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 6 | 2013
Pages: 127-136
Abstract text:
This paper summarizes some of the result of an eight yearlong continuous measurements and study of atmospheric pollutants and meteorological data for Bucharest, with focus on ozone concentration. Higher ozone levels were recorded outside the city and lower towards the city center. Weekday – weekend studies were conducted, to find concentration variations differences along a week, with no major differences. Meteorological data were recorded in order to study the association of pollutants with meteorological parameters, mainly temperature. Temperature correlation analysis was conducted to understand the variation of ozone concentration along with temperature variation. Ozone concentrations recorded outside Bucharest indicate a decrease tendency for the last four years, with no exposure limit exceeding.
Key Words:
ozone concentration; temperature correlation; Bucharest pollution; monitoring network.
Author(s) Information
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