Ground Anchors Impact Analysis on Adjacent Buildings
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 4 | 2013
Pages: 65-74
Abstract text:
Often ground anchors need to be executed under existing buildings, especially in urban zones. By introducing an anchor in the stress zone of a footing and by loading the anchor, the soil is influenced both the foundation and ground anchor, which may induce a changing of state for the foundation. In this case is analysed strictly the loaded bond length influence on nearby foundation, without taking into consideration the retaining wall moving. Was analysed a single case, using an isolated footing, under which a row of prestressed ground anchors were modelled, in three situations determined by the distance from bottom of foundation to the bond length. A close view is pointed on the foundation movement, registering the settlement, translation and rotation values calculated. The computation was made using finite element method and after making the comparison between the initial state of the foundation and the state after anchor loading, some useful conclusions, which can be used as guidelines for this situation, were underlined.
Key Words:
anchor load; settlement; rotation; finite element method; stress intersection.
Author(s) Information
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