Measurement Techniques in Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel for Determination of the Loads on Plane Solar Collectors
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 3 | 2013
Pages: 183-192
Abstract text:
The measurement of fluctuating pressures is an important step in the determination of the wind loads acting on structures or parts of structures. The measurement techniques develop continuously, important improvements being the goal in order to provide solutions to various difficulties encountered in the acquisition or processing of wind data. In the case of experimental studies in boundary layer wind tunnel on scaled models, the pressure taps placed on the model surfaces is the most common method of measuring the normal local wind pressures. The solar panels immersed in aerodynamic field are subjected to the fluctuations of wind loads. The assessment of these wind loads on both faces of the solar collectors is necessary for safety in operation, no matter the support and the arrangement of the solar panels.Punctual measurements of the fluctuating pressure on both sides of a solar panel model are quite difficult to achieve due to the presence of a large numbers of tubes on tributary small areas.The paper presents a methodology of averaging the values of the pressure measurements, and the applicability of this method to studies in wind tunnels.
Key Words:
pneumatic averaging; fluctuating pressure; solar panels; wind loads
Author(s) Information
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