Testing and Evaluating the Stability of Coating Systems of the Interior Shells in Cooling Towers
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 3 | 2012
Pages: 101-112
Abstract text:
Natural draught cooling towers are exceptional structures in every respect. Due to the enormous surface in connection with the diverse range of impacts from surrounding environment and operation, interior shells of cooling towers require particular protection. This is achieved by applying special polymer-resin based coating systems, ensuring a high durability of the reinforced concrete structure, which in turn means increasing the service life and thus cost-effectiveness. So as to ensure the success of the coating project in terms of material properties and application, extensive quality assurance steps have been established, including primarily the testing of the dry layer thickness achieved and the adhesion of the system to the substrate.
Key Words:
cooling towers; polymer-resin; coating systems
Author(s) Information
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