Use of Renewable Energy to Ensure the Thermal Independence for a Living Building Using Solar Hybrid Systems

Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 1 | 2012
Pages: 49-58
Abstract text:
Making solar hybrid systems and their integration within existing buildings or new buildings require financial efforts and special materials, such as attention to these systems is not accidental. This comparative study of a classic system and one proposed applicable to the residential buildings, is a step in the design phase and planning for such systems in order to achieve the ultimate goal: economic increase and energy efficiency. The aim is to achieve a unified analysis of solar hybrid system, the application actually achieved in a residential building. The comparison is even more necessary and more difficult because the solar hybrid systems are complex technical systems, the multiplicity of performance evaluation criteria often leads to the need for a global criterion (economic).
Key Words:
heat pump; solar energy; solar collector; efficiency; cost.

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