The Importance of the System for Collection and Elimination of Water Vapour in a Flat Roof Structure

Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 2 | 2011
Pages: 141-154
Abstract text:
Roofs must meet resistance requirements to mechanical action, thermal insulating, waterproofing and acoustic, fire resistance, durability, economy and aesthetics. Following the site visits made to the rehabilitation of some flat roofs we observe that there was no system for collecting and evacuating the vapours (diffusion layer) from the flat roofs structure. To determine what effect the lack of collection and evacuation system of vapour from flat roofs structure has a series of accelerated simulation, with WUFI program, on two types of flat roof structure, were performed.
Key Words:
flat roof; envelope; diffusion layer; rehabilitated flat roof.

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