Behavior of Expansive Soils Treated with Eco-Cement
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 2 | 2011
Pages: 9-20
Abstract text:
The swelling behavior of expansive soils often causes unfavourable effects, such as differential settlement and ground heaving. The understanding of the characteristics of soil mixture leads to increasing the confidence level before applying such materials in the field. This study investigates the influence of eco-cement addition on the behavior of expansive soil from Iaşi. A wide range of eco-cement content varying from 0 to 10% of the unit weight of soil was used. For the testing program, the water content used for the soil–eco-cement mix was selected as the optimum water content determined from the Proctor tests. All these specimens were tested for the shear stresses in triaxial apparatus to determine the effect of eco-cement on UU (unconsolidated- undrained) shear strength for different values of the cell pressure. The outcomes of this study can provide important conclusions concerning the mechanical properties of eco-cement treated soil.
Key Words:
expansive soils; undrained shear strength; eco-cement content; soil stabilization; optimum water content.
Author(s) Information
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