Recent Trends for Evaluating Torsional Effects in Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings
Tomme: LVI (LX) Fascicle: 4 | 2010
Pages: 89-96
Abstract text:
The present paper deals with the actual trends concerning the study of the the inelastic torsion behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) asymmetric buildings using a 3D two storey building subjected to pure torsion. The crack patterns, the maximum crack widths at service load level, torsional strength, torsional ductility, and post-cracking reserve strength results of the experiments are discussed. The main parameters include the volumetric ratio of torsional reinforcements, the compressive strength of the concrete, and the aspects concerning the ratio of the cross section. Some preliminary conclusions regarding the adequacy of the post-cracking reserve strength for specimens with relatively low amounts of torsional reinforcement and its relationship to the ratio of the transverse to the longitudinal reinforcement factors in addition to the total amounts of torsional reinforcement are highlighted.
Key Words:
torsion; reinforced concrete; inelastic behaviour.
Author(s) Information
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