Energetic Performance of Windows

Tomme: LIV (LVIII) Fascicle: 2 | 2008
Pages: 23-32
Abstract text:
The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of windows in Bucharest climatic zone of the România through the simulation of the energy balance in a dwelling. This simulation may provide a comparing way for the energy saving design in the future buildings and some suggestions for the architects to adopt the optimal type of window according to local conditions. We give an overview of how windows are modeled in the Window6 Simulation Program. In this paper, several kinds of windows are introduced and compared using the Window6 and ISOVER Software. In addition, the potential energetic efficiency of four representative windows in Bucharest city of the România are analysed and compared using the CASAnova Software. Example results of calculation are shown too.
Key Words:
Windows; Thermal Transmission; Solar Heat Gain; Visible Transmittance; Air Leakage; Heat Loss; Energy Consumption Simulation.

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