Turbulence Scales Simulations in Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind Tunnels

Tomme: LIV (LVIII) Fascicle: 2 | 2008
Pages: 7-14
Abstract text:
The simulation of the air flow over models in atmospheric boundary layer tunnels is a research domain based on advanced scientific technologies imposed by the necessity of studying the turbulent fluid movements in the proximity of the Earth’s surface. The experiment presented herein is developed in the wind tunnel from the Laboratory of Structural Aerodynamics of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services in Iassy. Measurements necessary for the determination of the turbulence scales of the wind action in urban environment were conducted. The data obtained were processed and analyzed and interpreted with specific software. The results are used for a synthesis regarding the scales of turbulence of the model of flow and the actual accuracy of measurements. The paper presents some of the important elements of this synthesis.
Key Words:
Wind Tunnels; Atmospheric Boundary Layer.

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