Analysis of Accelerographic Records Obtained in Jassy During the 1986 and 1990 Vrancea Earthquakes
Tomme: LIII (LVII) Fascicle: 3-4 | 2007
Pages: 15-22
Abstract text:
The interpretation, using methodological elements developed in INCERC, of data of instrumental nature obtained in Jassy during the 1986 and 1990 Vrancea earthquakes, is the main goal of the paper. The response spectra (for 12 azimuthally equidistant horizontal directions) of strong motion records, the global parameters which characterize an individual (horizontal) component of a record (effective peak values and corner (control) periods), and the instrumental intensity (global and averaged upon a frequency interval, based on destructiveness spectrum and on response spectrum) are the main numerical results obtained for the seismic records at hand. Finally, an evaluation of results, as well as conclusions useful for the aseismic design of buildings in Jassy, is presented.
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