Numerical Modeling of Masonry Tests
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 4 | 2020
Pages: 121-136
Abstract text:
The paper deals with the numerical interpretation of pseudo-dynamic tests carried out on the reaction wall of JRC Ispra, Italy. Four panels of masonry infill at a natural scale were used. Two by two the panels consisted of plain and reinforced masonry, with openings and without ones. The method of reinforcing masonry with polymer grids, patented in 1995, is applied only to masonry with lime mortars and is based on two ideas: 1) The vertical joints of the masonry are geometric irregularities. Consequently, each brick receives six degrees of freedom. That holistic freedom confers to that infills the quality of slight deformations in all directions called adaptation. 2) According to the Theory of Dislocations, around each geometric fault stress concentrations occur, causing damages. By their geometric regularity, the polymer grids prevent that inconvenience. All results of the numerical analysis are comparatively presented by considering plain masonry and reinforced one with biaxial and triaxial grids. The paper presents the diagrams for hysteresis, strain energy, plastic dissipation energy, internal energy, and damage dissipation energy. All results are accordingly commented. The paper concludes that by all laboratory tests the idea of reinforcing masonry, based on lime mortars, with polymer grids, was successfully confirmed.
Key Words:
Structural-fault; Stress – concentration; Seismic – resilience
Author(s) Information
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