Some General Approaches Regarding the Hazard Risks – Ungheni District (Republic of Moldova)
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 4 | 2020
Pages: 111-120
Abstract text:
Natural disasters bring death, destruction and social and economic disruption. Most are related to weather, climate and water. Statistics show that they tend to increase both in intensity and frequency. Without urgent and vigorous measures in the fight against disasters, no country will be able to achieve sustainable development. In order to reduce the negative consequences of disasters, it is necessary to multilaterally study these phenomena, improve forecasting methods and preventive measures. A number of laws and strategies on disaster risk reduction have been developed in the Republic of Moldova to this end. The most common disaster risks in Ungheni district include drought, torrential hailstorms, floods, landslides etc. The damage caused by natural disasters in Ungheni district in recent years exceeds half a billion MD lei. The highest losses, over 58% were caused by drought and 36% by torrential rains.
Key Words:
disaster; earthquake; soil erosion; flood
Author(s) Information
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