Structural Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in Seismic Areas
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 4 | 2020
Pages: 71-84
Abstract text:
The seismic hazard and risk analysis represents an important research domain and it acts as a connector between the earthquake engineering new advances and the sustainable development of the society. Romania is one the European countries with the highest seismic potential. Within this context, the seismic hazard analysis is an essential component for the seismic hazard mapping, for the seismic risk scenarios design and analysis, for preparing the seismic risk mitigation and reduction strategies, on one hand, and for the development of the post-disaster interventions, as well as the recovery and reconstruction activities, on the other hand. This paper generally presents the natural hazards for Romania and the necessity of studying their effects. Some examples are used to highlight the earthquake effects upon vulnerable structures. The main procedures for seismic risk analysis and the standards provisions for the structural vulnerability assessment along with their advantages and disadvantages are then summarized.
Key Words:
seismic hazard maps; seismic intensity scale; pushover analysis; capacity spectrum method; fragility curves
Author(s) Information
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