Overview on Remote Sensing Methods and Data Sources for Floods and Landslides Management
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 4 | 2020
Pages: 59-70
Abstract text:
A natural hazard is a natural phenomenon that can affect people, infrastructure, buildings, environment etc. and can be geophysical or hydrological. This paper aims to describe the remote sensing data sources and methods for disaster management, presenting at the same time the advantages and disadvantages for each data source and some relevant research done at international and national plan for floods and landslides application. In the last two decades, Romania has gone through several years with flood phenomena, the most affected area being the northeastern part. Regarding the landslides, these phenomena are quite widespread on Romania's territory. The total area subject to landslides is estimated at 900,000 hectares. In this context, it is very important to build an effective workflow for natural hazards monitoring. Using remote sensing data sources and methods, it is possible to generate with high accuracy the limits of the flooded area or the surface displacements in the case of landslides, with less financial and time resources.
Key Words:
terrestrial and aerial laser scanning; UAS; satellite images
Author(s) Information
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