Case Study on the Interaction between the Masonry Panel and the Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 4 | 2020
Pages: 49-58
Abstract text:
A frame structure is relatively flexible and has high ductility, while unreinforced masonry is stiff and brittle and can "explode" even under the effect of low deformation. The article studies the influence of the infill masonry on the overall behavior of a frame structure. 4 cases are considered in a finite element software and compared in terms of internal efforts, deformations and failure mechanism. It was concluded that the masonry panels stiffens the reinforced concrete frame structures, but by using flexible joints on the perimeter and in the assizes, it diminishing the surface of the masonry panel and its stiffness decreases.
Key Words:
RC frames; masonry panel; joint; stiffness
Author(s) Information
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