The Influence of the RC Beams Cross Section on the Dissipative Seismic Response of a Moment Resisting RC Frame System
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 4 | 2020
Pages: 21-38
Abstract text:
The idealized seismic response of reinforced concrete frame structures implies the occurrence of energy dissipation mechanisms by means of plastic deformations. These plastic deformations are expected to occur at the end sections of the beams and at the base of the ground-floor column. This, in turn, leads to the optimum deformation of the structure and the formation of the global distribution of the plastic hinges. Taking into account the influence of the concrete strength class and that of the longitudinal reinforcement ratio in the columns on the seismic behaviour of RC moment resisting frame structures, the present paper aims at investigating the contribution of the beam cross-section to the formation of the plastic hinges. The non-linear static analyses using the finite element method were conducted by means of the ATENA software for three distinct RC moment resisting frame models with rigid, normal and flexible beams designed according to the prescription of the current norms. While the model with flexible beams exhibited the idealized failure mechanism, its applicability in design practice is rather reduced given its high flexibility. On the other hand, for the model incorporating rigid beams it was observed that the plastic deformations tended to concentrate at the end sections of the columns.
Key Words:
dissipative structural elements; dissipative zones/ areas; RC rigid beams; RC flexible beams; static nonlinear analysis
Author(s) Information
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