Indirect Estimation of Swelling Pressure from Routinely Determined Geotechnical Parameters
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 3 | 2020
Pages: 53-66
Abstract text:
The light weight structure built over potentially expansive soils may suffer damage due to the uplift pressure exerted by the soil after moisture increase. The measurement of the swelling pressure can be made in laboratory using direct methods based on the oedometer tests. This test is long time consuming and implies high costs. There is an increasing trend in predicting the value of swelling pressure based on routinely determined geotechnical parameters like dry unit weight, initial water content, clay content, Atterberg limits, cation exchange capacity. This article presents the results of correlation and regression made with the Statistica V.13 software, on 50 soil samples collected from nine countries. The analyses show a high coefficient of correlation (R) of swelling pressure with the plasticity index followed by the liquid limit and clay content. Also, this paper provides empirical equations for indirect estimation of swelling pressure based just on a single soil parameter (PI, LL) or two parameters (PI and LL, PI and Cl).
Key Words:
expansive soils; swelling pressure; statistical study; empirical correlation; empirical method
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