The Analytical Methodology Used to Evaluate the Bearing Capacity for Hybrid Structural Elements Such as the Column and the Beam Made from OSB 3 Lamellae
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 3 | 2020
Pages: 41-52
Abstract text:
In the building industry, wood began being more utilized in recent years and this lead to the development of finite products from engineered wood. By processing wood in the factory, less carbon dioxide is released and therefore pollution is reduced. The current research wants to establish the bearing capacity of hybrid structural elements, such as columns and beams, with a new configuration. The proposed assemble is in form of OSB 3 glued beams and columns. The analysis presented in this paper wants to be a landmark for experts in wood industry and for engineers or architects who design wood constructions, and a guide for those who want to extend the actual research in this domain. The engineered wood has superior properties compared to other traditional materials. Using these preformed OSB 3 hybrid elements, the building time on site is reduced and the final structure can be defined as sustainable.
Key Words:
OSB 3; structural hybrid element; beam; column; engineered wood
Author(s) Information
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