Evaluation of Behaviour to Seismic Actions for Multi-Storey Steel Structures Braced with or without BRBS
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 3 | 2020
Pages: 9-18
Abstract text:
This study aims to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the main types of concentric braces used for steel structures. The structures analyzed in this paper were equipped with concentrically buckling restrained braces or regular concentric braces. The concentrically braced structures are tall office buildings, located in Bucharest. Concentrically braced frames have been designed in 6 different cases: 3 cases with concentrically two story X braced frames and inverted chevron braced frames and 3 cases with buckling restrained braces disposed like in the above mentioned cases. In this study advantages and disadvantages of structures equipped with buckling restrained braces were identified using geometric and element nonlinear analysis, conclusions and observations resulting from the study being presented.
Key Words:
concentrically braced structure; hysteretic dampers; tall buildings.
Author(s) Information
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