Influence of Concrete Strength Class on the Plastic Hinges Location for a Reinforced Concrete Moment-Resisting Frame Structure with Consideration of the Horizontal Stiffening Effect of the Slab
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 2 | 2020
Pages: 95-108
Abstract text:
The realistic degradation mode of the reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures can be verified through specialized theoretical and analytical studies. Thus, it was tried to demonstrate through this analytical research, the real mechanisms of seismic energy dissipation for RC moment-resisting frame systems with RC longitudinal rigid beams. In these conditions, it was studied the seismic response of a three GF+1F RC moment-resisting frame models (for three different concrete strength class and identical longitudinal and transverse reinforcements of structural elements) using nonlinear static analysis with ATENA software. Thus, it were specified important conclusions regarding the influence of the concrete strength class on the seismic degradation and collapse mechanisms for this type of structure (with rigid RC longitudinal beams). Also, it were observed the reinforcement insufficiencies in the vertical structural elements (RC columns) associated with the formation of plastic hinges.
Key Words:
RC longitudinal rigid beams; concrete strength class; push-over analysis; RC frame system; RC columns plastic hinges
Author(s) Information
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