Study on the Modelling of Crack Propagation in the Joints of Tubular Steel Elements
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 2 | 2020
Pages: 79-94
Abstract text:
Joints made out of tubular steel members are often used in industrial constructions, like offshore, trusses or tree-shaped columns. The joint area is the weakest point in a truss structure. Steel hollow sections are often used due to the advantage of low weight to strength ratio. Beside the normal static behaviour many non-linearities due to the geometry or to the welding process have to be taken into account. Dynamic loads like wind, ocean or machine loads have got an influence on the fatigue life of the welding line of a joint. Different variants of cracks can occur in structures. The main focus is about the realistic numerical reproduction of the crack propagation. Much research was made on this issue so far. A review of the main aspects, methods and difficulties in modelling the crack propagation at welded nodes are given.
Key Words:
welded joints; hollow sections; numerical simulation; fatigue; cracks
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