The Study of Methods for Determining Thermal Conductivity of Building Materials
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 2 | 2020
Pages: 55-66
Abstract text:
Although the level at which individuals are affected by global warming today varies according to where they live in the world, this is a current problem of society of particular importance for each individual. Thus, each of the fields of activity, with the passage of time and the awareness of the situation, they have started to develop solutions that will help reduce global warming. The fact that the highest share of total energy is consumed by the building sector has led to an exceptional development of the energy performance of buildings. Thus, there is a constant interest in developing new high-performance thermal insulation materials, in building thermal protection systems or in developing building designs suitable for energy performance. A key factor in contributing to reducing global warming is the determination of the actual energy consumption generated by the use of buildings. The article presents the main methods for determining the thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials and extensions of the conventional methods presented in the literature. The advantages and disadvantages of methods will also be presented.
Key Words:
building energy performance; heat flow meter; guarded hot plate; hot box; hot wire
Author(s) Information
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