Evaluation of Main Beam-to-Column Hinged Connections Used Frequently to Precast Ground Floor Structures
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 2 | 2020
Pages: 25-46
Abstract text:
his paper aims to evaluate numerically to what extent some connection joints currently used respects the definition of hinged connection. Within the design of connections, as design engineers, we must consider two main aspects: ‒ Hinged connection, as per definition, is a connection allowing rotation between two components, while all displacement of any of these two components one from another is not allowed; ‒ Importance of the type of connection used ought to get as close as possible to its theoretical hypothesis as only in this way the designed structures will be able to generate effects according to predictable and controllable expectations. According to experience gained, three types of joint connection were selected for a numerical evaluation: the results lead to the conclusion that it is necessary to make efforts in order to adopt clear norms regarding the design and calculus of the hinged connections between precast elements. There is a strong argument as for the necessity of adopting norms in this field – the design workshops do not have nor research funds or the know-how, while the state does. In the absence of norms, hinged connection will be further made on the acceptance principle of a certain solution by the local/regional designers’ community.
Key Words:
precast; connection; beam; column; design
Author(s) Information
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