State-Of The-Art on the Corrugated Sheets Acting as a Diaphragm in Single Storey Frame Structures
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 1 | 2020
Pages: 51-60
Abstract text:
Nowadays there is a growing demand in building single-storey frame structures because of the benefits they possess in regarding to the large and open spaces that makes them well suited for socio-economic, cultural or industrial activities. Regarding the solution used for cladding it has become a construction standard for the execution to be accomplished either by corrugated steel sheets or sandwich panels. During the last decades there has been a lot of academic research focusing the attention on using the corrugated sheets as a stress bearing element for structures. It has been recognized that the building framework becomes strengthened and stiffened with the addition of floors, envelope and roof. By taking the cladding into account the structural engineer can better predict the actual response of the building. The side cladding is very effective as a shear diaphragm and with proper attachment to the frame members using mechanical fasteners (or rarely by welding) it may be used as a structural component. In this regard the literature provides substantially verified full scale tests that are also proven by site experience of many building designs.
Key Words:
corrugated sheet; frame stiffness; sheet cladding; building envelope; stressed skin design
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