Slender Girders Longitudinally Stiffened
Tomme: 66 (70) Fascicle: 1 | 2020
Pages: 35-50
Abstract text:
This paper presents several aspects regarding the bending resistance and the shear buckling resistance of a slender plate girder having a longitudinal stiffener in the compression zone of the web. This paper analyzes the influence that the rigidity of the longitudinal stiffener has on the bending resistance of a slender girder whose web belongs to Class 4 sections, starting from the hypothesis that the transversal stiffeners are infinitely rigid and then considering an elastic behavior of the longitudinal stiffener. Also, the paper analyzes the influence of the longitudinal stiffener on the shear buckling resistance of the girder cross-section. A numerical analysis is presented and some final conclusions are mentioned.
Key Words:
steel plate girders; longitudinal stiffener; bending resistance; shear buckling resistance; Eurocodes
Author(s) Information
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