Fire Extinguishing Installation for Residential Buildings
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 4 | 2019
Pages: 101-112
Abstract text:
The recent development of the concepts of Internet of Things (IoT) and smart home opens the way to implement the fire detection and extinguishing systems already present in the industrial area, towards the housing construction area. The smart home creates an internet technology home management system through IoT. At present, the fire safety segment, as part of the IoT, aims at monitoring the specific gas, temperature or smoke sensors, without paying attention to the reaction of the smart home in case of a fire. Although on the international level there are intentions to provide residential buildings with sprinklers, in our country there is no concern to equip these constructions with fire extinguishing installations. Considering the fire statistics for this category of objectives, which indicate significant values, there appears the need to offer the owners a solution to protect these constructions by an extinguishing system. In order to improve the level of fire safety of the constructions, we propose to create an extinguishing system for residential buildings that will use the IoT concept.
Key Words:
fire safety; residential buildings fire extinguishing; internet of things; smart home
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