Assessment of the Acoustic Performance of Buildings in the Tourism Sector
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 4 | 2019
Pages: 57-70
Abstract text:
. Lately, in Romania it has been observed that in the design phase of buildings used in the tourism sector, specialists involved in project development pay particular attention to solving only certain essential performance requirements. Thus, other performance requirements are ignored or treated superficially, as is the case with noise protection. The article presents the steps to be taken in assessing the acoustic performance levels, as well as the admissible limits for the different parameters according to which the acoustic comfort is analysed. Also, a case study is presented where the acoustic performance of a hotel is checked. Finally, conclusions are drawn regarding the assessment of acoustic comfort in the buildings within the tourist sector.
Key Words:
hotels; acoustic performance; acceptable acoustic levels; case study
Author(s) Information
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