Comparative Study of Semi-Probabilistic and Probabilistic Approaches for Slope Stability Assessment. Study Case
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 4 | 2019
Pages: 43-56
Abstract text:
. Slope stability analyses are largely carried out by deterministic methods using single conservative values of ground parameters and relatively large safety factors. In Eurocode 7 the safety is placed on material properties (strength) and on action, prescribing the use of partial factors. However, the slope stability analyses yields single valued estimates for the minimum factor of safety which indicates if the slope is stable or unstable. The use of probabilistic methods has the advantage of providing a complete framework for the safety analysis determining the actual probability of failure. For the present study, a hill slope located in Iasi City has been selected for stability analysis using semi-probabilistic and probabilistic approaches. The slope stability was analysed using limit equilibrium method for calculation of factor of safety and probability of failure. The probabilistic analysis was done using Monte Carlo simulation. The analysis was done for both static and seismic conditions. The variability of the water table location was accounted for in the study. From the analysis, it was concluded that the pseudo-static case is critical for this hill slope.
Key Words:
limit equilibrium; generalized methods of slices; Monte Carlo simulation; probability of failure
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