Negative Influences (Effects) of Masonry Infilled RC Frames to Seismic Response of RC Frame Systems and Practical Methods (Solutions) for These Problems (State of the Art)
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 4 | 2019
Pages: 21-34
Abstract text:
A series of earthquakes across the globe (1990 Luzon earthquake, 1992 Cairo earthquake, 1999 Izmit earthquake, 2001 Gujarat earthquake, 2008 Sichuan earthquake, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake etc.) have demonstrated real modalities of imposing a fragile seismic response to reinforced concrete frame systems with infilled masonry walls. The global structural effects and negative local effects of masonry infill walls proven to be crucial in the last phases of structure collapse. It is desired through this theoretical study to classify the consequences that cause a series of phenomena in this structural system and some practical methods that can help solve them.
Key Words:
short columns; soft story; general torsion; transverse reinforcement of columns; MRR concept; “Pure” frame structure concept; flexible (free) partition concept
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