Beam-to-Column Connections in Steel Structures Placed in Sesimic Areas, Characteristic for Structures with Tubular Columns
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 4 | 2019
Pages: 9-20
Abstract text:
Steel structures are widespread in areas with high seismic activity due to the ductile behavior and efficient energy dissipation capacity. Tubular columns have a better behavior at the lateral forces by seismic actions due to the effective distribution of the material. Combining of these two elements is a real challenge due to the inefficient distribution of the stress in the classical (welded) beam-to-columns joints, which lead to the premature failure of the column flanges by buckling, crushing or veiling which categorically contradicts the “strong column – weak beam” principle, which guides the design of joints according to Eurocode 3. This paper describes several types of beam-to-column connections, designed to solve the problem of the stress distribution in the beam-to-column joints, and to ensure efficient energy dissipation. The joints were divided into two different categories depending on the shape of the column section: circular or rectangular; each having a specific design of the joints. However, it should be noted that both types of joints can be adapted to the shape corresponding to the used column section.
Key Words:
seismic actions; tubular columns; beam to column connections; energy dissipative connections; ductile design; plastic hinges
Author(s) Information
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