Accelerated Testing of Road Structures Made of Traditional and Recyclable Materials. Experimental Set-Up
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 3 | 2019
Pages: 147-160
Abstract text:
This paper presents the set-up required for an experimental study focusing on the structural behaviour of classical road structures, hydraulically bounded mixture (HBM) pavements and reclaimed asphalt pavements (RAP). For that purpose, seven distinct road structure sectors were designed and executed on the frame of the Accelerated Loading Test (ALT) ”Laboratorul de încercări rutiere accelerate” (LIRA) Facility, abbrev. ALT-LIRA, located at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services in Iasi. The experimental sectors were instrumented with strain and pressure gauges to collect information regarding the stress-strain state at the level of the main structural layers. Each sector will be tested by applying a controlled, accelerated wheel loading under laboratory conditions. Important aspects regarding the behaviour of the road pavement structures, such as the normal strain variation at the formation level, the stress distributions at the level of the stabilized based courses, the shear strain distributions at the level of the bituminous courses and the total displacements of the pavements can be obtained and analysed by performing the envisaged experimental program based on the proposed set up. Keywords:
Key Words:
accelerated pavement test; stabilized soil; recyclable materials; reclaimed asphalt pavement; reclaimed concrete material
Author(s) Information
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