Economic and Technical Criteria for Designing Prestressed Concrete Beams
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 3 | 2019
Pages: 105-114
Abstract text:
The efficient design of prestressed concrete elements represents a difficult task, the number of parameters involved in design being correlated in the first case with the technical criteria. In order to obtain elements with the lowest financial effort, it is necessary to optimize the solutions by identifying the cost of the solutions which satisfy the technical requirements. However, from the current practice, only optimal models can be obtained due to the restriction imposed by service and construction stages. Thus, the solution to this problem refers to the effective design of prestressed precast concrete elements based on the minimum cost criteria. The inappropriate design may result in unreasonable costs. Integrated engineering enables conception and simultaneous design of associated products, production and maintenances process. In this way is taken into account issues such as quality, timing, costs and user requirements. This paper illustrated in what manner technical and economical criteria influence significantly the cost of manufacturing a prestressed precast element.
Key Words:
cost; criteria; technical; economic; manufacturing
Author(s) Information
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