Principles of Green Roofs Design
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 3 | 2019
Pages: 63-76
Abstract text:
The implementation of green infrastructure, such as green roofs for buildings, is part of the new innovative solutions in urban design to solve the current problems related to the environment. In this context, the green roof concept has been developed as a greening solution for the building structure. This technology is part of the sustainable strategy of urban recovery. The present paper deals with the principles of design, including the classification of the green roof systems, their main components and the construction details of each type of green roof; in addition, a detailed presentation of their advantages and disadvantages is given. The paper provides an overview of the green roofs to understand this solution that can decrease the overall environmental impact of the construction sector. The authors assert that by using the green roof, the deterioration effect of the built sector over the natural environment can be significantly reduced.
Key Words:
green infrastructure; greening solution; urban recovery; green roofs; principles of design; classification
Author(s) Information
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