The Evolution of Users Requirements Compared to the Evolution of Buildings
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 2 | 2019
Pages: 113-130
Abstract text:
Building requirements are conditions that a building needs to fulfil in order to meet the needs of users and to guarantee its quality. In a usable definition of residential buildings, user requirements refer to the conditions they want to be met in the spaces they use. Bio-physiological requirements refer to the possibility of using the building spaces for creative activities, rest or entertainment, in conditions of hygiene, comfort and protection against any harmful factors, and to move easily from one place to another. Psycho-social requirements aim at feeling comfortable with the environment and the ability to communicate or to be separated. Economic or efficiency requirements refer to investment/acquisition and building costs, minimum consumption of materials and energy under sustainability conditions. Acknowledging and using building requirements will lead to a judicious conception of the building to be rehabilitated or conceived. For a long time the success of the building was based only on the repetition of what the practice had long proved. "Law no. 10/1995 of 18 January 1995 regarding the quality in construction" establishes, in a differentiated way according to the categories of importance of constructions, the system of quality in constructions that requires the construction and maintenance of a number of 7 essential requirements throughout the life of the constructions. Through the documentary analysis carried out by analyzing the constructions from different periods beginning with the prehistoric period and ending with the buildings of the 21st century, we conclude that the exigencies of the user date back to the prehistoric period, the man being forced to work in order to increase the level of performance. This, the development of requirements led to the evolution of buildings. The first necessary and user-driven demand was resistance and stability, by satisfying this demand, the user was able to create the central core for developing the other requirements. Over time, the mandatory requirements existent nowadays have been introduced, which, due to the increasing demands of users, are in a continuous development.
Key Words:
requirements; bio-physiological; psychosocial; economic; categories
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