Designing of Prestressed Precast Concrete Beams in Chlorides Environment
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 2 | 2019
Pages: 83-90
Abstract text:
The proper design of prestressed precast concrete beams represents a difficult task, the parameters involved in design being correlated even with the surrounding environment of the members. In the case of the members situated in the chloride environment, the task of designing a suitable member is harder due to the fact that are not allowed cracks. According to Eurocode 2, active and passive reinforcement exposed to chloride environments will corrode, the integrity of the members being at risk. As it known the development of cracks may occur in all the construction stages: transfer of prestressing, storage yard, transport, final support, superimposed dead load or at the end of the designed working life. A rigorous control is necessary for creating a satisfactory element. In this paper, it will be showed how by placing the same prestressed precast concrete beam in different environments, the overall compliance of the element will be altered due to the different restriction according to the designed norms. To highlight these particularities the IDEA StatiCA software was used.
Key Words:
corrosion; models; chloride; cracks; IDEA Statica
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