The Influences of the Durability Factors Over a Special Reinforced Concrete Structure's In-Time Behaviour
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 2 | 2019
Pages: 65-82
Abstract text:
. In the case of reinforced concrete structures, the complex nature of the effects of the aggressive environment on concrete structures, as well as ensuring a long service life, also requires additional measures to maintain and prevent degradation/deterioration risks. These degradations/deteriorations are based on durability reasons. In this paper, an experimental program for assessing physical and mechanical characteristics (visual inspection of the structure, non-destructive and destructive testing methods) have been presented in the case of a reinforced concrete structure. On the basis of the investigations carried out and the numerical results obtained, the level of degradation/deterioration was estimated and some technical interventions were proposed at the level of the structural elements.
Key Words:
water tank; level of degradation; durability; experimental program; rehabilitation solutions
Author(s) Information
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