Considerations upon the Overloading of Prestressed Bolts in Tensile Forced Connections
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 1 | 2019
Pages: 169-182
Abstract text:
The connections made with end plates and bolts are typical of pipe connections subjected to axial stresses (called flanges), of joining girders or beams to other structural members, but also for metal bridge structures, to join together the girders of the flooring. The connections made with end plates and bolts can lead to constructive solutions that are simple and economical if the connection mechanical behaviour is properly modelled. This paper presents several theoretical aspects regarding the overloading of prestressed bolts in tensile stress connection, taking into account the relative stiffness of the component elements in the end plates and bolts. The case of the high strength prestressed bolts (initial stresses) of steel grade 8.8 and 10.9 is analysed. The paper includes a numerical example that highlights the influence of the stiffness of the connection elements, respectively the maximum tensile stresses in the bolts. The comments and recommendations at the end of the paper can be useful for a more appropriate formation of such connections and for getting a proper safety in service of the steel members and elements.
Key Words:
connection; girders; end plate and bolts; prestressed bolts; plate-bolt stiffness; Eurocodes; design methodology; calculation analysis; practical recommendations
Author(s) Information
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