An Evaluation of Isolated Structures with Seismic Isolators
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 1 | 2019
Pages: 157-168
Abstract text:
The registered records in recent years show that near field earthquake has different characteristics compared to that of a far field earthquake. The most important characteristics are the forward directivity effect with a long period pulse in velocity Accelerogram. To compensate the destructive effect of earthquakes, engineers should use a suitable seismic isolator system. The concept of the seismic isolation system is separating the structure from the strong damaging ground motions, avoiding energy absorption by the superstructure. The present study evaluates the characteristics of near and far field and their effect on the isolated structures with seismic isolator.
Key Words:
far and near field earthquake; seismic isolator; supplementary dampening; seismic response
Author(s) Information
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