Reducing Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions for Building Construction
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 1 | 2019
Pages: 123-134
Abstract text:
Climate change is a very serious problem with negative consequences on all life aspects. Each economy sector, including building construction, must seek some means for the decrease of GHG emissions, creating the premises of sustainable development. During last decades, several high energy performance building concepts have been proposed, from low-energy building through passive building and zero-energy building to positive energy building, active building and even autonomous building. Similar to energy, GHG lifecycle emissions resulting from buildings consist of two components: operational and embodied emissions. Embodied impacts (embodied energy and embodied GHG emissions) should be considered starting with preliminary design stages, by the examination of alternatives at the building materials and components level. In the case study, the embodied energy and embodied GHG emissions are evaluated for different solutions of partition walls and floors widely used in Romania. The paper presents some options to reduce embodied impacts.
Key Words:
energy efficiency; embodied energy; GHG emissions; sustainable buildings; life-cycle assessment
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