Shear Structural Response of Strengthened Unreinforced Masonry Panels Using Traditional and Modern Techniques. Experimental Set-Up
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 1 | 2019
Pages: 111-122
Abstract text:
This paper presents the set-up needed for an experimental study regarding the shear structural behaviour of un-reinforced brick masonry walls, strengthened through both traditional and fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) based methods. Five brick masonry wall modules were designed and manufactured for this purpose. The aim of the experimental study is to quantify the effectiveness of various rehabilitation systems by comparing the structural response determined for the FRP strengthened modules with the one obtained for one module, which is left un-strengthened. In addition, a brick masonry module was strengthened through traditional methods. The advantages of the modern rehabilitation techniques may be observed by comparing the results of the FRP strengthened modules to the ones obtained for the traditionally strengthened one. Important aspects regarding the behaviour of masonry strengthened walls, such as the characterization of the failure modes, the identification of the ultimate forces and the displacement and characterization of the stress-strain state may be obtained and analyzed by performing the envisaged experimental program based on the proposed set up.
Key Words:
masonry; strengthening methods; traditional materials; fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) products
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